Roshan Pawar

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Roshan Pawar

Contact Me!

Roshan Pawar




Novus was an app which was about exploring gamified cognitive behavioural therapy for porn addiction. I assisted the project manager to help him with the gamification and gameplay design as well. I also contributed to the Narrative design as well as helping the user testing.

Novus was an app which was about exploring gamified cognitive behavioural therapy for porn addiction. I assisted the project manager to help him with the gamification and gameplay design as well. I also contributed to the Narrative design as well as helping the user testing.

My Contributions

My Contributions

  • Gamification

  • Game Mechanics and Gameplay Design

  • Narrative Consulting

  • User Testing

  • Gamification

  • Game Mechanics and Gameplay Design

  • Narrative Consulting

  • User Testing

Check the other projects out too!

Check the other projects out too!

Roshan Pawar